Tarique Rahmanは,BNP会議での現代教育改革と公正な選挙を強く訴えている. Tarique Rahman urges modern education reforms and fair elections at BNP conference.
Tarique Rahmanは,BNPの代表委員長を務め,国民教師会議で,党の強みと近代化教育の重要性を強調した. Tarique Rahman, acting chairman of BNP, addressed the National Teachers' Conference, emphasizing people as the party's strength and the importance of modernizing education. 彼は,教師に対する敬意と社会経済保障を呼びかけ,『教育改革委員会』を提案した. He called for respect and socio-economic security for teachers and proposed an 'Education Reform Commission.' 反対派を強めるような 論争の的行動に警告し 公正な選挙が政治的に経済的に人々を 強化する必要性を強調した. Rahman also warned against controversial actions that might strengthen opponents and stressed the need for fair elections to empower people politically and economically.