テネシー州知事ビル・リーは,国民の機会と安全保障に重点を置いて,国家の住所を届ける. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee to deliver State of the State address, focusing on citizen opportunities and security.
テネシー州知事 ビル・リーは2月10日午後6時に テネシー州議会の 議会で第7回国務院演説を行います Tennessee Governor Bill Lee will give his seventh State of the State address on February 10 at 6 p.m. CT in the Tennessee State Capitol's House Chamber. 演説では 市民の機会と安全の創造における リーダーとしてのテネシー州の役割を強調します The speech will emphasize Tennessee's role as a leader in creating opportunities and security for its citizens. LeeのFacebookやYouTubeで生放送される. It will be broadcast live on Lee's Facebook and YouTube pages.