パブロ・ゴニコはUticaの襲撃容疑で殺人未遂や放火未遂を含め,起訴を受けている. Pablo Goico faces charges including attempted murder and arson for alleged attacks in Utica.
2024年11月11日閲覧. ^ a b Paul Goica, 41, Uticaは,殺人未遂,放火,陰謀など複数の容疑で起訴された. Pablo Goico, 41, of Utica was arraigned on multiple charges, including attempted murder, arson, and conspiracy, linked to incidents in November 2024. 彼は煙草店の従業員を撃ち 玄関に火をつけ 他2人を殺そうと陰謀を企てたと 非難されている He is accused of shooting a smoke shop employee, setting a porch fire, and conspiring to kill two other people. 警察はガイコが 被害者を見つけるのに 追跡装置を使ったと考えてる Police believe Goico used tracking devices to locate his victims. Utica警察署は引き続き調査している. The Utica Police Department continues to investigate.