インドは,保健医療における重要な役割を担った250人のASHA,草の根の保健医療従事者を,共和国デーに表彰します. India honors 250 ASHAs, grassroots health workers, at Republic Day for their crucial healthcare role.
インドの保健省は,認定社会保健活動家 (ASHA) を称え,第76回共和国記念日の祝賀に特別ゲストとして,配偶者と共に250人を招待した. India's Union Health Ministry honored Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), inviting 250 along with their spouses as special guests to the 76th Republic Day celebrations. 保健医療制度において,ASHAは重要な役割を果たし,母子の健康,免疫,結核の撲滅に役立ちます. ASHAs, numbering over 10.29 lakh, are crucial in India’s healthcare system, serving as the first point of contact and aiding in maternal health, immunization, and tuberculosis elimination efforts. この認識は,特に遠隔地において,医療アクセス及び成果の向上に重要な役割を担うことを目指す. The recognition aims to highlight their vital role in improving healthcare access and outcomes, especially in remote areas.