パプアニューギニア中央地方は,重要な分野における外国投資を通じて経済成長を目指す. Papua New Guinea's Central Province seeks economic growth through foreign investment in key sectors.
パプアニューギニアの中央地方は,農業,観光,鉱物などの分野における外国投資の促進を目指すことによって,経済の向上を目指す. The Central Province of Papua New Guinea is aiming to boost its economy by attracting foreign investment in sectors like agriculture, tourism, and minerals. これを容易にするため,同省は7月に様々な政府機関を設置し,投資会議の開催を計画している. To facilitate this, the province has set up various government bodies and plans to host an investment conference in July. 加えて,中部県は,49年にわたる格差の後,地方の事業を支え,地域経済の影響力を高めるため,商業・産業の事務所を再設立した. Additionally, after a 49-year gap, the Central Province has re-established a Chamber of Commerce and Industry to support local businesses and increase the region's economic influence.