インド人2人を含む5人の容疑者は ニューヨークで武装強盗の容疑で起訴されています Five suspects, including two of Indian origin, face charges for an armed home robbery in New York.
5人の容疑者,インド系の2人を含むBhupdinjit Sing と Dibia Karrii は,ニューヨーク州オレンジ郡の自宅で武装強盗の容疑で起訴された. Five suspects, including two Indian-origin individuals, Bhupinderjit Singh and Divya Kumari, have been charged with an armed robbery at a home in Orange County, New York. 被害者の4人の子供の前で起こった強盗は,銃を突きつけて貴重な物を盗む容疑者を巻き込んだ. The robbery, which took place in front of the victims' four children, involved the suspects holding the family at gunpoint and stealing valuables. 容疑者は強盗の共謀と強盗の容疑で 犯罪中に銃器を使用した The suspects are facing charges for robbery conspiracy, robbery, and using a firearm during the crime. 彼ら は 逮捕 さ れ , ホワイト ・ プレーン 連邦 裁判 所 に 提出 さ れ まし た。 They were arrested and presented in White Plains federal court.