CFGの収益は予想を超えて,高いアナリストの見積りと高値の株式価格目標を達成した. CFG's earnings exceeded expectations, leading to higher analyst estimates and a boosted stock price target.
市民金融グループ(CFG)は、複数のアナリストが収益の見積額と価格の目標を上げるのを見て、DA DavidsonはそのFY2025の見積額を増加し、1株当たり4.89ドルに設定し、48ドルを目標とする。 Citizens Financial Group (CFG) saw multiple analysts raise their earnings estimates and price targets, with DA Davidson increasing its FY2025 estimate to $4.89 per share and setting a $48 price target. 銀行は,0.85ドルの1株の予想以上のQ4利益を報告し,3.55%の利回りで0.42ドルの四半期配当を宣言した. The bank reported better-than-expected Q4 earnings of $0.85 per share and declared a quarterly dividend of $0.42, with a yield of 3.55%. 組織投資家は,現在,CFGの株の94.90%を保有しており,当該会社における占有率も増加している. Institutional investors have also increased their holdings in the company, currently owning 94.90% of CFG's stock.