Whalen Wealth ManagementはCarnivalの株式を4.1%減少させましたが、アナリストは「買い」の評価で楽観的なままです。 Whalen Wealth Management reduced its shares in Carnival by 4.1%, yet analysts remain optimistic with "buy" ratings.
Whalen Wealth ManagementはCarnival Co. & plcの947株を売却し、保有を4.1%減らした。 Whalen Wealth Management sold 947 shares of Carnival Co. & plc, reducing its holdings by 4.1%. 同社は第3四半期にEPS0.14ドルを報告し,アナリストの予想を上回った. The company reported EPS of $0.14 for the third quarter, exceeding analyst expectations. 複数の機関投資家が 持株額を調整し,一部は増額し,一部は減少した. Various institutional investors have adjusted their stakes, with some increasing and others decreasing their holdings. 分析官は一般に前向きな見方をしており,数件の"ブイ"評価を発動し,価格を上げている. Analysts generally have a positive outlook, with several issuing "buy" ratings and raising their price targets.