ラゴスのiPhone13の盗難容疑で 元陸軍軍曹が逮捕 Former army sergeant arrested for alleged abduction and theft of iPhone 13 in Lagos.
42歳の陸軍巡査部長 キングズリー・ワノグホは 人を誘拐し iPhone 13を盗んだとされるラゴス警察に逮捕された A 42-year-old dismissed army sergeant, Kingsley Wanogho, was arrested by Lagos police for allegedly abducting a man and stealing his iPhone 13. 元囚人ワノグホは,その被害者に金環を盗めたと非難して,第3のメインランド橋に連れ去られたが,その際に彼はそのiPhoneと金を盗んだ. Wanogho, a former convict, impersonated an army officer to accuse the victim of stealing a gold ring and took him to the Third Mainland Bridge, where he stole the iPhone and money before abandoning him. Wonoghoは,コンピュータービレッジ,イケジャでN155万のiPhoneを販売した. Wanogho sold the iPhone for N150,000 in Computer Village, Ikeja. 警察は偽の軍隊のIDを見つけて 彼に帽子をかぶせた Police found a fake army ID and cap on him. 彼はさらなる調査のために移送されました。 He has been transferred for further investigation.