CVBファイナンシャル Corp. Q4収益期待に打ち負かされ,1株当たり0.36ドルを報告し,配当を発表し,購入をシェアする. CVB Financial Corp. beat Q4 earnings expectations, reporting $0.36 per share, and announced a dividend and share buyback.
CVB Formal Corpは,カリフォルニアの銀行が,1株につき50.9億円の4分の4の収入,又は1株当たり0.36ドル,アナリストの1株当たり0.34ドルという期待を暴いた. CVB Financial Corp., a bank in California, reported fourth-quarter earnings of $50.9 million, or $0.36 per share, beating analysts' expectations of $0.34 per share. 会社の年収は270万ドル,又は1株あたり144ドルであった. The company's annual earnings were $200.7 million, or $1.44 per share. 融資はわずかに減少したものの,預金は1億5000万ドル増加し,同社は四半期配当0.20ドルと1000万株の買い戻しプログラムを発表しました. Despite a slight decrease in loans, deposits grew by $150 million, and the company announced a $0.20 quarterly dividend and a 10 million share repurchase program.