ハムダンでイランの戦闘機ジェットが墜落,パイロットは負傷したが安全に脱出;調査対象の理由. Iranian fighter jet crashes in Hamedan, pilots injured but eject safely; cause under investigation.
イランの戦闘機機がハマダン県の訓練中に墜落し,安全に脱出できた2機のパイロットに軽傷を負わせた. An Iranian fighter jet crashed during a training mission in Hamedan Province, causing minor injuries to its two pilots who were able to eject safely. 墜落の原因は 捜査中です The exact cause of the crash is under investigation. この事件は,近年イランの軍事航空機に係る他の事故の数件をいう. This incident follows several other accidents involving Iranian military aircraft in recent years.