イースタンカロライナ大学で 銃を向けた男に 警官が銃で撃ち殺した A man was fatally shot by a police officer at Eastern Carolina University after he reportedly pointed a gun at them.
東カロライナ大学のノースリプレイル施設で警察官に射殺された男が,月曜日5時15分ごろに警官に銃を突きつけたと伝えられた. A man was fatally shot by a police officer at Eastern Carolina University's North Recreational Complex after he reportedly raised a gun at officers around 5:15 p.m. Monday. 関係者は行政休暇に置かれた. The officer involved has been placed on administrative leave. 国家調査局が捜査の手伝いをしている. The State Bureau of Investigation is assisting with the investigation. 当局は,死亡者,中年の男性は,大学に所属していなかったと信じている. Officials believe the deceased, a middle-aged man, was not affiliated with the university. 証人 たち は 警察 に 連絡 する よう 勧め られ て い ます。 Witnesses are encouraged to contact the police.