元トランプ大統領は,参戦前の集会で"YMCA"を踊っている。 Former President Trump dances to "YMCA" at pre-inauguration rally, promising new executive orders.
元大統領ドナルド・トランプは,村民のヒット曲"YMCA"にダンスを披露する集会を開催した。 Former President Donald Trump held a pre-inauguration rally where he danced to the Village People's hit "YMCA," a song he used frequently during his campaign. この曲の利用に関する過去の法律上の問題にもかかわらず,バンドは生中継を行い,その関係に変化を起した. Despite past legal issues over the song's use, the band performed live, marking a shift in their relationship. トランプは支援者に対し,決議的指導と,就任初日に複数の行政命令を発布する計画とを約束した. Trump, addressing supporters, promised decisive leadership and plans to issue multiple executive orders on his first day in office. このイベントは寒気のため屋内で開催され,エロン・ムスクなどの有名人が出演した. The event, held indoors due to cold weather, featured appearances by Elon Musk and other celebrities.