Zoetis Inc.は第4四半期の好調な収益を報告し、投資持分の調整がまちまちになりました。 Zoetis Inc. reported strong Q4 earnings, leading to mixed adjustments in investment stakes.
投資企業はゾエティス株式会社への持分を調整し,持分を増加させ,減少させました. Several investment firms adjusted their stakes in Zoetis Inc., with some increasing holdings and others reducing them. ゾエティスは4. 季度の業績を強く発表し,予想を上回り1.58ドル/株の利益を収めた. Zoetis reported strong Q4 earnings, beating estimates with $1.58 EPS. 動物の健康製品に焦点をあてた同社は740億円の市場キャップを備え,PE比は31.20. The company, which focuses on animal health products, has a market cap of $74.90 billion and a PE ratio of 31.20. Zoetisは最近、1株あたり0.50ドルの四半期配当を宣言し、アナリストは211.89ドルの価格目標で「買い」の評価を持っています。 Zoetis recently declared a quarterly dividend of $0.50 per share, and analysts have a "Buy" rating with a $211.89 price target.