アディティア建築大学の学生たちは,第64回インド州美術展に17の作品を選び出しました. Aditya College of Architecture's students had 17 artworks selected for India's 64th State Art Exhibition.
インドのアディティア建築大学 (ACA) は,BFA応用芸術学生の成功を祝いました. Aditya College of Architecture (ACA) in India celebrated its BFA Applied Arts students' success at the 64th State Art Exhibition 2025, where 17 student artworks were selected from over 5,000 entries. この成果は,このプログラムの強い学術基礎と生徒の創造性を強調する. This achievement highlights the program's strong academic foundation and the students' creativity. 展覧会は様々なアートスタイルを披露し,新興アーティストが認識を得るためのプラットフォームを提供し,広域芸術界とのつながりを図る. The exhibition showcased various art forms, offering a platform for emerging artists to gain recognition and connect with the broader artistic community.