グランド・ラピッズの3歳児は 誤って銃で自殺した後に入院した. A 3-year-old in Grand Rapids was hospitalized after accidentally shooting themselves with a gun.
ミシガン州グランドラピッドの 3歳の子供が 偶然に土曜日の正午に 銃で自殺し 深刻な負傷をしましたが 生命を脅かさない A 3-year-old in Grand Rapids, Michigan, accidentally shot themselves on Saturday around noon, sustaining serious but non-life-threatening injuries. 事件はシンクレア通りで起こり,子供は病院に運ばれた. The incident occurred on Sinclair Avenue, and the child was taken to the hospital. 銃の所有者は 警察と協力しています 銃が密歇根州法に 守られているか調べています The gun owner is cooperating with the police, who are investigating whether the firearm was stored safely as required by Michigan law. 当局は,公衆から追加情報を求めている. Authorities are asking for any additional information from the public.