今年もWWEのSmackDownは2時間,NetflixのRawは2時間半に変更される. WWE's SmackDown to revert to two-hour format this year, while Raw on Netflix targets two and a half hours.
WWEのSmackDownは,今年中に,おそらく5月か6月に WrestleManiaの後,元の2時間のフォーマットに戻ると予想されています. WWE's SmackDown on USA Network is expected to revert to its original two-hour format later this year, likely in May or June after WrestleMania. 一方,WWEE's on Netflixは2時間半の「甘いスポット」を目指すが,これは内容によって異なる可能性がある. Meanwhile, WWE's Raw on Netflix aims for a "sweet spot" of two and a half hours, though this can vary based on content. Smack Down はフォーマットが変化するまで3時間で残ります。 SmackDown will remain at three hours until the format change.