テネシー州ミルウォービルで 3人の容疑者が 複数の車両に衝突 1人の民間人を負傷 Three suspects involved in a shoplifting chase in Collierville, Tennessee, crashed into multiple cars, injuring one civilian.
テネシー州 コリアービルで 3人の容疑者が アカデミー・スポーツで 盗難事件を逃亡し 複数の車両に衝突した In Collierville, Tennessee, three suspects fled after a shoplifting incident at Academy Sports, crashing into multiple vehicles including police cars and a bystander's car. 結局 , 容疑者 は 逮捕 さ れ , 一 人 の 民間 人 は 軽い 傷 を 負っ て 入院 し まし た。 The suspects were eventually apprehended, and one civilian was hospitalized with minor injuries. 警官は負傷せず 容疑者に対する起訴は保留中. No officers were injured, and charges against the suspects are pending.