パキスタンのECCは,時間軸の電力供給を改正し,食糧安全費や鉄鋼工場の資金を割り当てる. Pakistan's ECC changes electricity billing timeline and allocates funds for food safety and steel mills.
パキスタンの経済調整委員会(ECC)は,電気関税制度の変更を承認し,毎年7月から1月にかけて,年度の再開時間を変更し,夏の間は高額の請求を回避する. The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) in Pakistan has approved changes to the electricity tariff system, shifting the annual rebasing timeline from July to January to avoid higher bills during summer. 同委員会はまた,パキスタンのスティールミルズの給与について,新しい食品安全機関のRS9900万とRS935.78万を含め,各分野の資金を承認した. The committee also approved funds for various sectors, including Rs910 million for a new food safety authority and Rs935.78 million for Pakistan Steel Mills' salaries. 加えて,鉄鋼製品に関する業務は2025年3月31日まで延長され,アフガニスタンの交通取引に関する銀行の保証は,保険保証に取って代わられた. Additionally, duties on iron and steel products were extended until March 31, 2025, and bank guarantees for Afghan Transit Trade were replaced with insurance guarantees.