4人の容疑者,19歳のジュワン・プールを含めて,ジェファーソン郡で自動車追跡が終了した後に逮捕された. Four suspects, including 19-year-old Juwon Poole, were arrested after a car chase ending in Jefferson County.
4人の容疑者は19歳のジュワン・プールを含めて、西バレー通りで墜落事故が発生したジェファーソン郡での盗難車両追跡事件で逮捕された. Four suspects, including 19-year-old Juwon Poole, were arrested after a stolen vehicle chase in Jefferson County that ended with a crash on West Valley Avenue. プールは、盗品の受け取りや無謀な危険にさらされるなどの罪に問われている。 Poole faces charges including receiving stolen property and reckless endangerment. 逃亡と抵抗容疑者2人の逮捕状が 求められていて 16歳の容疑者の起訴も 待っています Warrants for attempting to elude and resisting arrest are being sought for two suspects, and charges for a 16-year-old are pending. 全員 が 拳銃 で 発見 さ れ , その うち の 二つ は 盗ま れ まし た。 All were found with handguns, two of which were stolen.