MKS Instrumentsは,896Mドルの収益で,推定を上回った後,156ドルの目標で"購入"の評価を得ました. MKS Instruments gets a "Buy" rating with $156 target, after beating estimates with $896M revenue.
MKS Instrumentsは,Nedham & Company LLCから156.00ドルの目標価格で"購入"の評価を受けました. MKS Instruments received a "Buy" rating from Needham & Company LLC with a $156.00 price target. 同社は四半期売上高8億9600万ドル,EPSは1.72ドルで,アナリストの見積もりを超えた. The company reported $896 million in quarterly revenue and EPS of $1.72, exceeding analyst estimates. 他のアナリストの価格目標が異なるにもかかわらず,MKS Instrumentsは平均"中等買い"の評価と7.68億ドルの市場キャップを持っています. Despite varying price targets from other analysts, MKS Instruments has an average "Moderate Buy" rating and a market cap of $7.68 billion.