ダブリンで人身売買容疑で男逮捕.当局は被害者の報告を要請する. Man arrested in Dublin for suspected human trafficking; authorities urge victims to come forward.
55歳の男性が労働搾取で人身売買の疑いで北ダブリンで逮捕された. A 55-year-old man was arrested in North County Dublin on suspicion of human trafficking for labor exploitation. 逮捕はガルダ国立保護局の調査の一部である. The arrest is part of an ongoing investigation by the Garda National Protective Services Bureau. 当局は,性的又は労働搾取のために人身売買の被害者の危険性を訴え,当該地方のガルダ駅又はガルダ安全保障線と連絡を取り合うよう勧告している. Authorities are encouraging potential victims of human trafficking for sexual or labor exploitation to come forward and contact their local Garda station or the Garda Confidential Line.