Park Airspaceは,嵐被害にもかかわらず,強いQ3収益を報告し,売上と収益が著しく高まる. Park Aerospace reports strong Q3 earnings, despite storm damage, with sales and revenue up significantly.
パーク・エアスペースの報道では,第3四半期の売上高の25%が1億440万ドルに上昇し,収入の28%が1億4400万ドルに増加し,収入は1株あたり1億1400万ドルにまで上昇した. Park Aerospace reported a 25% rise in third-quarter sales to $14.4 million and a 23.8% revenue increase to $14.41 million, with earnings up to $0.08 per share. 同社はまた,0.125ドルの四半期配当を発表し,株価が14.24ドルに上昇した. The company also announced a $0.125 quarterly dividend and saw its stock price climb to $14.24. 110万ドルが台風被害で被災したにもかかわらず,パーク・エアスペースが平成1年度に調整したEBITDAは6%増加し8.2万ドルに増加した. Despite facing $1.1 million in storm damage costs, Park Aerospace's adjusted EBITDA for the year-to-date increased by 6% to $8.2 million. StockNews.comは,株式会社評価を"Buy"にアップグレードした. upgraded the company's rating to "buy."