Signal Advisors Wealth LLCは、好調な収益と増配を受けて、Quanta Servicesの株式を増やします。 Signal Advisors Wealth LLC boosts stake in Quanta Services, following strong earnings and dividend hike.
投資会社のSignal Advisors Wealth LLCは、Quanta Servicesへの出資比率を18%増やし、他の機関投資家とともに同社の保有を増やしました。 Investment firm Signal Advisors Wealth LLC increased its stake in Quanta Services by 18%, joining other institutional investors in boosting holdings of the company. 電力・エネルギー部門のインフラソリューションを提供するクアンタ・サービスズは 分析者の予想を超える収益と高額な四半期配当を報告した. Quanta Services, which provides infrastructure solutions for utilities and energy sectors, reported earnings above analyst expectations and a higher quarterly dividend. 同社は324.25ドルを目標とする"モデレートバイヤー"を保有しており,その株式の90.49%は施設投資家が所有する. The company has a "Moderate Buy" rating with a $324.25 price target, and 90.49% of its stock is owned by institutional investors.