NSWで逮捕された女性と10代の少年は,家に押し入り,盗み,盗難車を壊したとして逮捕された. Woman and teen arrested in NSW for breaking into home, stealing, and crashing a stolen car.
ある女性と17歳の少年がニューサウスウェールズ州で,家に押し入り,車のキー付きのハンドバッグを盗み,車から逃げ出して,盗難車を壊したという. A woman and a 17-year-old boy were arrested in New South Wales after allegedly breaking into a home, stealing a handbag with car keys, and driving away, crashing the stolen vehicle. 44歳の女性は,盗品や家財品の所持で起訴されたが,十代の若者は,過度の不法侵入や無許可の車両の使用等の告発を受けた. The 44-year-old woman was charged with possessing stolen goods and housebreaking tools, while the teenager faced charges including aggravated break-in and unauthorized use of a vehicle. 容疑者は2人とも 有条件の保釈を許可され 若い犯罪者の財産侵害を 対象とした警察の作戦である 地域モンゴース作戦の一部です Both were granted conditional bail and are part of Operation Regional Mongoose, a police operation targeting property crimes by young offenders.