ナイジェリアの第39回全国コーラン朗読コンテストの勝者,地域代表の懸念について. Winners of Nigeria's 39th National Qur'anic Recitation Competition named, with some regional representation concerns.
ナイジェリアの第39回コーラン朗読大会の優勝者をNSCIAが発表しました. The NSCIA has declared the winners of Nigeria's 39th National Qur'anic Recitation Competition, held in Kebbi State, who will represent Nigeria in international competitions this year. Usmanu Danfodiyo大学が組織したイベントでは,男性と女性の両方が6つのカテゴリーに分類された. Organized by Usmanu Danfodiyo University, the event featured six categories with both male and female participants. 勝者を祝っている間に、南西地方からの表現の欠如について懸念を表明するオンラインユーザーもいた。 While celebrating the winners, some online users expressed concerns over the lack of representation from the southwest region. Gombeの知事は,地方の勝者に金銭的報酬と巡礼席を尊重し, NSCIAは競争相手から非倫理的な慣習を警告した. Gombe's governor honored local winners with financial rewards and a Hajj seat, while the NSCIA warned against unethical practices by competitors.