ローレンス・ホロウェイ,86,元ミュージカル監督が死去した. Laurence Holloway, 86, the former musical director for "Strictly Come Dancing" and "Parkinson," has died.
「Strictly Come Dancing」と「Parkinson」の元音楽監督である86歳のローレンス・ホロウェイが、短い闘病生活の末に亡くなった。 Laurence Holloway, the 86-year-old former musical director for "Strictly Come Dancing" and "Parkinson," has died after a short illness. ホロウェイはピアニストとしてキャリアをスタートし,エンゲルバート・ハンパーディンクやトム・ジョーンズなどの有名なアーティストと仕事をした. Holloway started his career as a pianist and worked with famous artists like Engelbert Humperdinck and Tom Jones. 彼 は テレビ の テーマ 曲 を 作曲 し , 音楽 に 対する 寄付 の ため に MBE を 受け取り まし た。 He composed TV theme tunes and received an MBE for his contributions to music. 彼は娘と3人の孫に生き残ります。 He is survived by his daughters and three grandsons.