ジェシー・ジェームズ・フューザーはカンザスシティで警察官を射殺したとして,20年以上の懲戒刑を言い渡された. Jesse James Flaugher sentenced to over 20 years for shooting a police officer in Kansas City.
カンザス州のカンザスシティ出身のジェシー・ジェームズ・フューラーは,2020年12月,警察官を射殺した容疑で20年以上の懲役を科された. Jesse James Flaugher, from Kansas City, Kansas, has been sentenced to over 20 years in prison for shooting a police officer in December 2020. フラッハーは,二度殺人と犯罪者による銃器所持で有罪となり,殺人罪で247ヶ月,銃器所持罪で9ヶ月を連続的に服役した. Flaugher was convicted of second-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a felon, receiving a sentence of 247 months for the murder charge and an additional nine months for the firearm possession charge, to be served consecutively. 警官は弾道ベストのおかげに 小傷で射殺を生き延びた The officer survived the shooting with minor injuries, thanks to his ballistic vest.