コストコは銀行と資金の投資の増加を見ており,現在は機関が株式の68.48%を保有している. Costco sees increased investment from banks and funds, with institutions now owning 68.48% of its stock.
コストコ・ホセイは, First County Bank と Norway Savings Bank のようないくつかの銀行やファンドが,彼らの株を増やしたことで,機関投資が増えた. Costco Wholesale has seen increased institutional investment, with several banks and funds like First County Bank and Norway Savings Bank adding to their stakes. 組織投資家は,現在,コストコ株式の68.48%を保有している. Institutional investors now own 68.48% of Costco's stock. 内部情報で売られた総額は698万ドルだが,分析者は"中程度の買い"で目標価格が1,013.59ドルと一致している. Despite insider sales totaling $6.98 million, analysts have a "Moderate Buy" consensus with a target price of $1,013.59. コストコは最近、1.16ドルの四半期配当を支払い、時価総額は4,095億9,000万ドルです。 Costco recently paid a $1.16 quarterly dividend and has a market cap of $409.59 billion.