エドモントンの河岸でパートナーの死体が発見された後 2級殺人で起訴された男 Man charged with second-degree murder after body of partner found on riverbank in Edmonton.
アシュリー・バークという43歳のパートナーの死亡に関連して31歳の男性が第2級殺人で起訴されました。 A 31-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the death of his 43-year-old partner, Ashley Burke, whose body was found last week on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton. 警察はこの事件を 親密なパートナー殺人とみなし,現在,調査目的で死亡原因は禁止されている. Police are treating the case as an intimate partner homicide, and the cause of death is currently being withheld for investigative purposes.