ベンガルの裁判所は,技術労働者アトル・スルハシュの自殺で起訴された3人の家族に対して保釈金を支給した. A Bengaluru court granted bail to three family members accused in the suicide of tech worker Atul Subhash.
ベンガルーの裁判所は,アトル・スバッシュの妻ニキータ・シンガニア,母親ニシャ,そして彼の自殺事件で告発された弟アヌラグに保釈を許可した. A Bengaluru court granted bail to Atul Subhash's wife Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha, and brother Anurag, accused in his suicide case. 34歳の技術士アトルは自殺で死去し,妻と配偶者の嫌がらせや恐喝を訴えた書面と映像を残した. Atul, a 34-year-old techie, died by suicide, leaving a note and video accusing his wife and in-laws of harassment and extortion. 彼の家族は,カルナタカ高等裁判所の保釈判決を提訴する予定である. His family plans to appeal the bail decision in the High Court of Karnataka. 被告人は様々な都市で逮捕されたが,正式の手続きを終えた後に釈放される見込みである. The accused were arrested in different cities and are expected to be released after completing formalities.