ムンバイの道路の怒り事件でActor Rughav Tiwariが襲撃されたが,重傷を負ったにもかかわらず逮捕された者はいなかった. Actor Raghav Tiwari attacked in Mumbai road rage incident; no arrests made despite severe injuries.
俳優のラガブ・ティワリは 12月30日にムンバイで 暴行事件で襲われた. Actor Raghav Tiwari, known for his role in "Crime Patrol," was attacked in a road rage incident in Mumbai on December 30. Tiwariがバイカー・モハマド・ザイドと衝突して、ゼイディを酒のボトルと鉄の杖で刺してタイリを打った。 The altercation began after Tiwari collided with biker Mohammad Zaid, leading to Zaid stabbing and beating Tiwari with a liquor bottle and iron rod. ティワリの友人たちが彼を病院に連れて行ったり,苦情を申し立てたにもかかわらず,逮捕は行われず,警察の対応について懸念が高まっている. Despite Tiwari's friends taking him to a hospital and filing a complaint, no arrests have been made, raising concerns about police response.