ロイズ・メタルズ・アンド・エナジー(Lloyds Metals & Energy)は、鉱業の堅調な成長を目指し、Thriveni Earthmoversの株式を主要取得しました。 Lloyds Metals & Energy acquires major stake in Thriveni Earthmovers, aiming for robust growth in mining.
Lloyds Metals & Energyは、MD B. Prabhakaranが率いるThriveni Earthmoversの79.82%の株式を取得した。 Lloyds Metals & Energy has acquired a significant 79.82% stake in Thriveni Earthmovers, led by MD B. Prabhakaran. この戦略的動きにより,総収益は2万7千億ルピー,EBITDAは9000億ルピーとなり, This strategic move is expected to generate Rs27,000 crore in cumulative revenues and Rs9,000 crore in EBITDA by FY28. この取得目的は,鉱業,運送費,持続可能な慣習を維持し,鉱業及びインフラ整備部門の成長を促進すること. The acquisition aims to enhance mining operations, streamline costs, and uphold sustainable practices, fostering growth in the mining and infrastructure sectors.