インドで、性的暴行に対する自己防衛を主張した後、母親と息子を殺害した容疑で逮捕された十代の2人。 Two teens arrested for murdering a mother and son in India after claiming self-defense against sexual assault.
19歳の二人の少年が,タネの70歳の女性と45歳の息子の殺害容疑でNavi ムンバイ警察に逮捕された. Two 19-year-olds were arrested by Navi Mumbai police for the murder of a 70-year-old woman and her 45-year-old son in Thane. 容疑者は 新年のイヴパーティー中に 息子が強要した後に 2人を殺害したと主張した The suspects claimed they killed the pair after the son tried to force himself on them during a New Year's Eve party. ガス漏れの疑いは 死後の報告書で却下された Initial claims of a gas leak were refuted by a post-mortem report. 容疑者は1日以内に発見され 逮捕されました The suspects were found and arrested within a day of the murders.