Netflixは2025年に"Stranger Things""Wednesday""Squid Game"の最終シーズンを発表しました Netflix announces final seasons for "Stranger Things," "Wednesday," and "Squid Game" in 2025.
Netflixは2025年に"ストレンジャー・シングス"の最終シーズン",水曜日"の第2シーズン",スquid Game"の第3シーズンと最終シーズンを公開する予定です Netflix is set to release the final season of "Stranger Things," the second season of "Wednesday," and the third and last season of "Squid Game" in 2025. 公開日はまだ確定していないが",Stranger Things"は下半期に",Wednesday"は秋の初めに",Squid Game"は夏か秋に予定されている. While release dates are not yet confirmed, "Stranger Things" is expected in the latter half of the year, "Wednesday" in early fall, and "Squid Game" in summer or fall. "スクイッド・ゲーム"の終了にもかかわらず,フランチャイズ継続は計画されている. Despite "Squid Game" ending, a franchise continuation is planned.