RBIは2025年第1四半期に州に4.73万億ドルの債券を販売する予定です. RBI plans to sell Rs 4.73 lakh crore in bonds to states in the first quarter of 2025.
準備銀行は2025年1月から3月の四半期に,州政府と連邦領に,4.73万億ルピーの政府債を販売する予定です. The Reserve Bank of India plans to sell Rs 4.73 lakh crore in government bonds to state governments and union territories during the January-March 2025 quarter. 加盟国を含め,各競売が国家の要件,政府の承認及び市場環境に基いて,当該競走の数日前に発表される. Auction details, including participating states, will be announced a few days before each auction based on state requirements, government approval, and market conditions. RBIは,市場を乱し,四半期を通じて貸借を均等に分配せずに,これらの競売を実施することを目指す. The RBI aims to conduct these auctions without disrupting the market and distribute borrowings evenly throughout the quarter.