ダノとカノのナイジェリア警察は3,000人以上の容疑者を逮捕し,2024年に55人の被害者を救出した. Nigerian police in Borno and Kano arrested over 3,000 suspects and rescued 55 victims in 2024.
2024年,ダノ州とカノ州にあるナイジェリア警察は,重大な逮捕と被害者救出を行った. In 2024, Nigerian police in Borno and Kano states made significant arrests and rescued victims. 博野州警察は721人の容疑者を逮捕し,爆発しない装置や盗品を回収し,カノ州警察司令部は武装強盗や誘拐犯を含む2,425人の容疑者を逮捕し,犠牲者55人を救出しました. The Borno State Police arrested 721 suspects, recovering unexploded devices and stolen items, while the Kano State Police Command arrested 2,425 suspects, including armed robbers and kidnappers, and rescued 55 victims. 両司令部は,コミュニティ警察と諜報主導の作戦が成功したと認め,安全を維持するために2025年にこれらの戦略を継続する予定です. Both commands credited community policing and intelligence-led operations for their success and plan to continue these strategies in 2025 to maintain security.