IDENTILECTの株価は50%下がり,0.01カンドルに落とし,市場キャピタルは147万カンドルとなった. Identillect Technologies' stock price plummeted 50% to C$0.01, leaving its market cap at C$1.47 million.
メール暗号化ソフトの提供者であるIdentrict Technologysは,火曜に50%の株価が下落し,C$0.01で取引されている. Identillect Technologies, a provider of email encryption software, saw its stock price drop by 50% on Tuesday, trading at C$0.01. 同社は,C147百万円の市場キャップを備え,米国及びメキシコの団体及び個人のための暗号化技術として,配送信託を提案している. The company has a market cap of C$1.47 million and offers Delivery Trust, an encryption technology for organizations and individuals in the US and Mexico. Idenderillctの株式は過去二百日にわたってC$0.01で取引されている. Identillect's stock has consistently traded at C$0.01 over the past two hundred days.