ウィスコンシン州のI-41は,事故と火災のため,大晦日の朝に旅の混乱を見た. I-41 in Wisconsin saw travel disruptions on New Year's morning due to a crash and a fire.
ウィスコンシン州I-41は2つの事件により大晦日の朝,旅の混乱に直面した. I-41 in Wisconsin faced travel disruptions on New Year's morning due to two incidents. ライトスタウン近くのI-41南線で午前2時57分に発生した事故は,午前4時42分まで両方向の全レーンを遮断した.その後,I-41北線で午前3時29分にマイルマーク156.5の近くで発生した火災も,レーンの遮断を引き起こし,午前4時36分までに清掃された.事件に関する追加的な詳細は提供されなかった. A crash at 2:57 a.m. on I-41 South near Wrightstown blocked all lanes in both directions until 4:42 a.m. Later, a fire on I-41 North near mile marker 156.5 at 3:29 a.m. also led to lane blockages, cleared by 4:36 a.m. No additional details were provided about the incidents.