5歳の娘を亡くし 3歳の息子に怪我をさせた後、DUI殺人で起訴された父親. Father charged with DUI manslaughter after crash killed his 5-year-old daughter and injured his 3-year-old son.
30歳のレイクランドの父親、コディ・ウィルズは、5歳の娘を死亡させ、3歳の息子に重傷を負わせた事故の後、飲酒運転過失致死罪などの重罪で起訴されています。 A 30-year-old Lakeland father, Kody Wills, faces charges of DUI manslaughter and other felonies after a crash that killed his 5-year-old daughter and severely injured his 3-year-old son. この事故は11月7日(日)に発生した. ^ 血中アルコール濃度が法律で定める限りの3倍以上であるWillsが停車標識を通り抜けて木に衝突し,自動車に火を食らわせた. The accident occurred on November 7 when Wills, with a blood alcohol level over three times the legal limit, drove through a stop sign and crashed into a tree, causing the car to catch fire. ウィルスは2025年1月1日に法廷に出廷する予定です Wills is set to appear in court on January 1, 2025.