Goa警察は2024年に274kgの麻薬を押収し,その中には初回DMTとGHBが検出,"Drug-free"を狙った. Goa police seized 274 kg of drugs in 2024, including first-time DMT and GHB finds, targeting a 'drug-free nation.'
2024年,Goaは麻薬事件が急増し,警察は274kgの麻薬を押収し,DMTやGHBの初襲事件も含めた. In 2024, Goa saw a surge in narcotics cases, with police seizing 274 kg of drugs, including first-time seizures of DMT and GHB. 2つの大麻研究所も解体されました Two cannabis labs were also dismantled. 最近 ゴア警察の麻薬対策部隊は 9.2ラックスの価値の麻薬を押収し 大麻のネットワークの王様とコカイン所持のナイジェリア人を含む複数の逮捕を行った. Recently, the Goa police's anti-narcotics cell seized drugs worth Rs 9.2 lakh, making multiple arrests, including a kingpin of a ganja network and a Nigerian national for cocaine possession. これらの行為の目的は"Nashamukot Bharat",麻薬のない国を実現すること. These actions aim to achieve a 'Nashamukt Bharat', a drug-free nation.