中国では,平成二十八年一月に少なくとも500人の公務員の賃金が高騰し,士気を高め,消費の増加を図る. China raises civil servants' salaries by at least 500 yuan monthly to boost morale and spending.
中国は,公務員に相当の賃金を支給し,平成七月から毎月最低500円(約1500円)の基本的賃金を増額した. China has given a significant pay raise to its civil servants, increasing their basic salaries by at least 500 yuan ($68.51) per month, starting in July. この動きは,経済をエスカレートさせるため国内消費の増加を図るため,公務員の士気を高め,支出の促進を目的としている. This move aims to boost morale and encourage spending among government employees, as President Xi Jinping prioritizes boosting domestic consumption to stimulate the economy. 昇給は全国的に教師,警察官,官僚にも適用されます. The raise extends to teachers, policemen, and bureaucrats nationwide.