BGCグループは,収益と収益の予測を維持し,Q42024の財政的展望を確認. BGC Group confirms financial outlook for Q4 2024, maintaining revenue and earnings projections.
BGCグループは2024年第4四半期への財務見通しを確認し,収益と税前調整された利益の予測を維持しました. BGC Group has confirmed its financial outlook for the fourth quarter of 2024, maintaining its projections for revenue and pre-tax adjusted earnings. 同社は非GAPの財務措置でパフォーマンスを評価し,当該特定非カッシュ商品及び経費を除く. The company uses non-GAAP financial measures to assess performance, excluding certain non-cash items and expenses. BGCは主な金融機関で,固定所得,外国取引,商品等を含んだ幅広い商品を提供している. BGC serves major financial institutions with a wide range of products including fixed income, foreign exchange, and commodities.