マシュー・ロナルド・ティープルのトラックに 木が倒れて ノースカロライナ州で厳しい気象の最中に 彼を殺しました A tree fell on Matthew Ronald Teeple's truck during severe weather in North Carolina, killing him.
70歳のマシュー・ロナルド・テエプルは,北カロライナ州ムースビルで大雨と強風の最中にトラックに木が倒れ,午前10時頃に死亡した. A 70-year-old man, Matthew Ronald Teeple, was killed when a tree fell on his pickup truck during heavy rain and strong winds in Mooresville, North Carolina, on Sunday morning around 10 a.m. ノースカロライナ州道路警備隊は 事故を確認しました 速さも障害も 原因ではないと The North Carolina State Highway Patrol confirmed the incident on Highway 152 near Brumley Road, stating that neither speed nor impairment was a factor. 竜巻の警戒と雷の警告の間に起こったこの事故により,高速道路は約4時間閉鎖されました. The highway was closed for about four hours due to the incident, which occurred amid tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings.