俳優ヤシュは3人のファンの死後,ファンを安全に誕生日を祝うように頼んだ. Actor Yash asks fans to celebrate his birthday safely, following the deaths of three admirers.
KGFのスターヤシュは 1月8日に誕生日を迎えるので ファンに責任を持って祝うようにと 呼びかけました KGF star Yash, whose birthday is on January 8, has asked fans to celebrate responsibly, emphasizing safety over grand gestures. この要求は 2024年に彼のために大きなカットアウトを準備していた 3人のファンの悲劇的な死の後です This request follows the tragic deaths of three fans in 2024 who were setting up a large cutout for him. Yashはファンに対し,誕生日に新作映画を撮影する予定なので,福祉を重視し,前向きな例を挙げることを勧めている. Yash urges fans to prioritize their well-being and set positive examples, as he will be filming his new movie during his birthday.