スナップディールは24年度で 損失を半分近く削減しました 支出の削減と広告費の削減を理由に Snapdeal cuts losses by nearly half in FY24, citing reduced expenses and lower ad spending.
インドの電子商取引会社であるスナップディールは23年度282.20億から24年度160.38億ルピーに減少し,EBITDAの損失は88%減って16億ルピーとなった. Indian e-commerce company Snapdeal reduced its losses to Rs 160.38 crore in FY24 from Rs 282.20 crore in FY23, with its EBITDA loss dropping by 88% to Rs 16 crore. この改善は,社員手当の48.5%削減,広告の支出の23.5%削減など,低経費で生じている. The improvement is due to lower expenses, including a 48.5% reduction in employee benefits and a 23.5% decrease in ad spending. 総支出は540億76億ルピーに減少し, 運用収入は2.1%増加して379億76億ルピーとなった. Total expenditure fell to Rs 540.76 crore, and operating income rose by 2.1% to Rs 379.76 crore.