発砲の被害者は 西フォート・ワース事件で死亡 容疑者は近くで発見された A shooting victim died after a west Fort Worth incident, and the suspect was found dead nearby.
警察は,土曜日の午後,フォートワースの西で 銃撃事件に反応し, 深刻な負傷した女性犠牲者を発見しました. Police responded to a shooting in west Fort Worth on Saturday afternoon, finding a critically injured female victim who later died. 追跡の結果男性容疑者が発見され 死亡しました おそらく自殺した銃創で A chase followed, leading to the discovery of the male suspect, who was found dead, likely from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. 事件は調査中 高速道路は閉鎖された The incidents are under investigation, and the freeway was shut down during the investigation.