俳優のRavi Kishanは,噂や監督の懸念により『ワッセイプルのGangs』での役割を逃した. Actor Ravi Kishan missed role in "Gangs of Wasseypur" due to rumors and director's concerns.
インド人俳優のRavi Kishanはインタビューで、牛乳を浴びるなどの奇妙な習慣に関する噂と,監督の要求に対する懸念から,映画『ワッセイプルのGangs』にキャストされなかったことを明らかにした。 Indian actor Ravi Kishan disclosed in an interview that he was not cast in the film "Gangs of Wasseypur" due to rumors about his eccentric habits, such as bathing in milk, and the director's concerns about his demands. キシャン は , うそ を つい た と いう うわさ も あり まし た が , 自分 の 珍しい 習慣 を 認め まし た。 Although some rumors were false, Kishan acknowledged his unusual practices. この失敗にもかかわらず,彼は後に"Mukakabaz"のアナラグ・カシープ監督と連携し,議会議員のキシャンが薬物乱用に反対した際,二人の関係は緊迫していた. Despite this setback, he later worked with director Anurag Kashyap in "Mukkabaaz," though their relationship faced tension when Kishan, a Member of Parliament, spoke out against drug abuse.