母と娘が北カロライナで車で事故で死んだ 鹿が車窓に突っ込んだ Mother and daughter killed in North Carolina car accident when a deer crashed through their windshield.
ノースカロライナ州のキャバルルス郡で、ある母親と12歳の娘が事故死した。 以前は別の車にぶつかった鹿がフロントガラスに衝突した。 A mother and her 12-year-old daughter were killed in a car accident on Christmas night in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, when a deer, previously hit by another car, crashed through their windshield. メリッサ・マリスと娘のカーソン・カミングスは ゴールドヒルで起きた事件当時 シートベルトを着用していた Melissa Mullis and her daughter, Carson Cummings, were wearing seat belts at the time of the incident on Gold Hill Road. 起訴はなし No charges will be filed.