ハリス郡で 異常な交通停止で 銃と麻薬を 持っていた運転手逮捕 Driver arrested with pythons, gun, and drugs during unusual traffic stop in Harris County.
ハリス郡のノースウエストフリーウェイで 交通停止中に 逮捕令状が発令された運転手は 逮捕されました 警官が車の中で3匹のパイソンと 銃と麻薬を 見つけた後です During a traffic stop on the Northwest Freeway in Harris County, a driver with an open felony warrant was arrested after deputies found three pythons, a loaded gun, and illegal narcotics in the vehicle. 動物の支配は蛇を拘束し,容疑者は違法な武器所持と麻薬所持の容疑に直面する. Animal control took custody of the snakes, and the suspect faces charges for unlawful weapon carrying and drug possession. 警官事務所は この事件を "典型的な交通事故ではない"と説明しました The incident was described by the constable's office as "definitely not your typical traffic stop."